LCD Manager for AlbumPlayer

Last updated on 2011-10
Current version : 0.64

Presentation Installation Changelog Screenshots

1. Presentation

LCD Manager is designed to display on SoundGraph devices (LCD and VFD models) information about music played by AlbumPlayer. It's a fully independent background application. You just have to start and forget it for example at Windows starting (manually or via autorun or other ...). When Album will be launched, LCDM will wake up and each event occurring in AlbumPlayer will be catched and displayed on display device.

LCD Manager is able to display a lot of different track related information :

Album artist Track artist Album name Track name
Track number Track length Elapsed time Genre
Comment BitRate Filename Audio codec

Other fields can be added on request if needed.

After years without progress, SoundGraph finally published a public API allowing to directly manage SoundGraph devices. It stills a beta version so we can expect improvements in future versions. Only a small subset of functionalities is proposed. Through proprietary interface, it's possible to change a lot of things. I hope API will be enriched to give access to all this funny stuff.
In particular, I'd like to have access to :
LCD Manager has been tested with LCD and VFD model.

SoudGraph LCD product is fully shown on this page. Here is briefly device layout :

SoudGraph VFD product is a text only device with a 2 lines of 16 characters enriched by a volume control. Full specifications can be seen on this page.

LCD Manager should now be able to control these two kinds of devices. All commands relative to LCD icons are simply ignored in case of VFD models. Furthermore, since VFD models don't manage automatic text scrolling, the first 16 characters are displayed on first line and the rest is on the secoond line. Extra charaters are lost. I'm very interested by your feed back. You can send me remarks, bug reports and suggestions at eric026[at] or via AlbumPlayer forum. For bugs, please join log files generated on exit (*.trc). I am in particular interested to know : your precise OS, device used (VFD/LCD)...

Following items are managed by LCD Manager:

2. Installation

LCD Manager needs you to have the very last version of SoundGraph dynamic library installed. It's a beta version named '7.91.0929' (please see this post). If LCD Manager does not found this version or newer, a warning message will be displayed and software will probably not work properly.

To use LCD Manager, you just have to download :

These 3 files have to be together anywhere on your hard disk. INI file will be created if it doesn't exist but it's far better to start with the one proposed. This one contains a lot of comments to help you to setup by yourself your preferences if you prefer to do so. Some settings can be chosen via main windows or via configuration screen. All settings are saved in a INI file with a lot of comments in it to make analisys / modification easily. You should take care if you manually edit INI file. A lot of tests are done to protect LCD Manager against bad settings but some errors can occurs anyway.

Current version :

Filename Type Size Date
LCD Manager.exeexe741 KB28.09.2011
LCD Manager.iniini3.3 KB28.09.2011
change.loglog6.46 KB28.09.2011
iMONDisplay.dlldll204 KB07.11.2010

Previous versions :

Previous versions Type Size Date
Archive - LCD Manager v030.exeexe530.5 KB02.10.2011
Archive - LCD Manager v031.exeexe538 KB02.10.2011
Archive - LCD Manager v040.exeexe542.5 KB02.10.2011
Archive - LCD Manager v050.exeexe612 KB02.10.2011
Archive - LCD Manager v051.exeexe707.5 KB02.10.2011
Archive - LCD Manager v052.exeexe714 KB02.10.2011
Archive - LCD Manager v053.exeexe714 KB02.10.2011
Archive - LCD Manager v060.exeexe734 KB02.10.2011
Archive - LCD Manager v062.exeexe735 KB02.10.2011
Archive - LCD Manager v063.exeexe740.5 KB02.10.2011
Archive - LCD Manager v064.exeexe741 KB02.10.2011

Known limitations :
Still to do :

3. Changelog

            === CHANGELOG ===========
            =      [*] Bug fixes
            =      [+] New function
            =      [-] Update

******* v0.64 - 2011-09-28
  + Add a partial support for SoundGraph VFD models (2 x 16 caracters display)
******* v0.63 - 2010-12-24
  + Workaround to fix "&" problem ("&" displayed instead of "&")
  * In INI file, "Thickness" value was sometimes 128. Fixed. Now should be only equal to 1 or 0
  + Hotkey is now available to make LCDM main window visible (when hidden mode is active)
    Reference list for hotkeys can be found at
  + Hotkey and Modifier can now be chosen in settings windows
  + Update traces
  * Key change are now immediately active

******* v0.62 - 2010-12-17
  * Bugfix : radio button behaviour was not correct
  * When hidden mode is asked, effect is now immediatly active

******* v0.61 - 2010-12-12 ** REMOVED *** (regression)
  + Add a full blinking mode for CD symbol when paused
  + Add a subdivisor to have a slower rate refresh during pause
  + Add a "HiddenWhenPlay" mode : window will be visible again when AP wil be paused or stopped
  * Typo errors fixed
  - Player status line is enriched

******* v0.60 - 2010-12-07
  + Add parameter /VISIBLE and /HIDDEN to possibly force corresponding mode at startup (can be shortened with /H and /V)
  + Also add a button to swap to hidden mode
  * Fix a bug in DLL version report
  - Main window attributes modified
  + New application icon
  - Reduce number of calls to function "BuildDisplayedString"
  + Add a tab in config window to have a quick INI edit
  - Change status bar to let more room for 3rd panel (displayed string)
  - Code reorganization (OnShow moved to OnActivate ...)
  + Add a "BlinkOnPause" feature. Can be chosen between blink off / blink to full / blink to empty
  + String to be displayed can also be viewed as hint on status bar (usefull if text zone is not big enougth)
  + When a tracelog is full (MaxLines reached), both log files are saved as .BKP and as .TRC on exit
  * Display mask were not correctly saved in INI file when changed in settings windows. Fixed.
  + Add a backup trace file to be sure to have a no empty trace on exit

******* v0.53 - 2010-11-30
  * Change "RegisterWindowMessage" usage: Take now a message number on LCDM start instead of after each AP detection (seems to have pb with Seven)
  + Log mechanism much improved to remove old useless information and to add timestamp

******* v0.52 - 2010-11-29
  + Add a HiddenMode feature to suppress all visible window. LCDM will work silently in background. To reuse visible mode
    you will have to set 'HiddenMode' to 0 in INI file. Since this key is read regulary, you do not have to exit/restart.

******* v0.51 - 2010-11-26
  * Fix a bug for UNICODE strings : Patch to remove special characters is useless now and is removed.
    Should work with any extended alphabets. Successfully tested with French and German strings. LCD seems to accept all these chars too.
  + CD symbol can now have a thick lit or not, selectable via config screen
  + Added a DEBUG tab in setting window when clic on 'MASK' yellow panel. For testing purpose only, no usefull in case of normal use.
  * Minor bug fixes and improvments
  - Small interface changes
  - Code washed and cleaned

******* v0.50 - 2010-11-18
  + Add a graphical configuration screen to set up program (popup if LSHIFT + LCTRL + LBUTTON on status bar)
  + Activate VOL led when a volume change is change in Album Player
  - Code wash - Reorganisation - Minor gug fixes
  - Visual update

******* v0.40 - 2010-11-14
  * Fix track number bug (+1 since it's a 0 based transmitted value)
  + Take back display control after a remote key pressed (volume change or other ...)
  + Change WM message selection mechanism
  + Add new special characters filters for non-english alphabets
  + Fix device detection bug. LCD and VFD should now be correctly distinguished
  + Display mask string analysis results to have a warning in case of bad syntax
  + Little IHM washing. Access to detailed information are now accessible via CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK in status bar
  - Better way to obtain file codec
  + Solve empty screen problem (too early writing)
  + Release LCD should now work : Device is released after a scoll to display other information as user request
  * Just for fun : it's possible to decide which pieces of CD symbol are used to show rotation (opposite or contigous segment, back or white ...)
  * So unused INI key called "InvertedVideo" is removed. Reverse video can be choosed now with 00010001 or 11101110 as mask

******* v0.31 - 2010-11-12
  + Distinguish AlbumArtist and TrackArtist and propose to display each of them (%AA ou %TA)
  + Quicker disk animation (refrash rate is set by default but can be altered in INI file)
  * Equalizer refresh rate is also changed. Set by default to 100ms. Can be set with [Equalizer/RefreshDelay] key
  + Disk symbol is now freezed on Pause, turning on play and off on stop
  + Equalizer is now started after first event : (1) End of scroll (2) NN seconds or track read. (because before if no scoll->no equalizer !)
  + CD symbol can be displayed in inverse video

******* v0.30 - 2010-11-10
  + Progress bar added upper and bellow text zone (time elapsed in track)
  + Special caracters are filtered before to be displayed
  + Add tag displayable ( %EQ=Fake equalizer %T#=Track number, %ET=Time elapsed)
  + Fix display model detection (partially)
  * Check DLL version to ensure compatibility
  + In case of non existing icon fir audio codec (APE, FLC ..) set WAV icon by default
  + Initialize non managed icons (video, hp ..) via INI settings
  + Remember last window position and use it on next start
  + Add a combobox with a preset of masks
  + Save user mask
  + Simulate equalizer with random values. When %AR / %TN %EQ for example is asked
    equalizer appears after first scoll and until next track change
  + Application renamed to LCD Manager since it doesn't address VDF models
  + Improve log trace
  + Remove useless EXIT button to gain place and keep window as small as possible

******* v0.20 - 2010-11-07
  + More tag displayable
  + Auto purge of trace datas
  + A new mask for display is immediately taken in account
  + Big code wash
  + ... forgotten ...

******* v0.10 - 2010-11-04
  + Display artist / album / track on LCD with non stop scrolling
  + Set icon to OGG/WMA/WAV ... depending of encoder
  + Animate CD symbol to make it turn when playing and stop when paused

4. Screenshots

Main screen Settings screen